
  Soizickはフランス人。アートクレイでアクセサリーを作って 観光客に売っているそうだ。アートクレイは金太郎飴のように 色粘土を組み合わせて切って乾かすのだそうだ。彼女は Novaの5日コースで、中指の第1関節の部分に嵌める ムーストンのユニークな指輪、?マークのついてアンティークのガラスを石 にした指輪。クリスマス飾りみたいなボールのネックレス等々を作った。 写真は彼女の作品。

Soizick is French. She sells her accessories to travelers in her country. Her accessories were made with Art Clay Art clay is used in the same way as Japanese traditional Candy, Kintaro ame. Kintaro Ame craftsman makes many colors of candy rods and stick them together and cut into small piece The cross section of each piece looks like the face of Kintaro who is a character in very famous Japanese fairy tale. Soizick she took 5 day course in Nova art lab and made the following things. An unique Ring with a small moon stone, which she wore in the first knuckle of middle finger. A ring setting an antique glass with question mark. A pendant, which is combination of three spheres. You can see her projects in the photo.

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